WayBack Machine

WayBack Machine is one of the services offered by Internet Archive, which documents all kinds of data on the Internet, such as web pages, books, videos, musics and so on.

WayBack Machine might help you find a website that is no longer up, or show you the evolution of it.

For example, recently I tried to find a Zybo tutorial I followed one year ago. Without the help from the browser history, I tried to recall the url. I believe it should be something like “dbrss.org”, but it always said “This site can’t be reached”. Later, I realized it is not a matter of my memory, but the website itself is off.

Luckily, WayBack Machine has captures for that website, for example, this might be the earliest one I visited.

Having simply explored the Internet Archive, I think it is really an interesting and helpful work with features much more than what I just described. Thanks to all the people who contribute to the Internet Archive!